Flow State Business

Sign Your Next 5 Clients with Flow

Ruby Lee

Let’s talk about something that every coach, mentor, and service provider faces at some point – that moment when it feels like the clients have slowed down, and the deals just aren’t coming through like they used to. 

You’re still doing all the things – showing up, delivering value, putting your heart into your work – but for some reason, you’re not closing those clients, and it’s starting to feel frustrating.

If that sounds familiar, this episode is for you. Today, I’m diving into the strategies that will help you close your next five clients with confidence, even if you’ve been feeling the drought. 

We all go through seasons like this, no matter how successful you are. We’re going to talk about nurturing your existing audience, leveraging your omnipresence, and creating an irresistible offer that’s so aligned with your ideal clients that signing them feels easy again. 

The goal is to get you thinking differently about how you approach client acquisition and help you tap into a fresh energy that gets you excited about your business again.

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00:00:00 Intro
00:05:05 Signing your next five clients.
00:08:35 Engaging with warm networks.
00:12:40 Leveraging your omnipresence.
00:14:06 Signing corporate clients successfully.
00:18:30 Irresistible offer creation.
00:22:10 Client acquisition strategies.
00:27:45 Acquiring your next five clients.

Hey, guys. Welcome back to the Flow State Business podcast. Today we are going to be tackling something that might be on your mind, especially if you've been putting in the work and you are, uh, just not quite sealing the deal with potential clients. And it's been a while, maybe since you've easily assigned clients and they are very few and far between. At the moment, I'm speaking to coaches, mentors, service providers, consultants who are just going through a bit of the drought period. And my intention is that you can come back to this episode whenever you're feeling the sparseness around signing up new people into the business. And hopefully this is really going to give you those light bulb moments and those moments to really help you get back into that sense of confidence. And I want you to know that I know how frustrating that this can feel. Every single coach and mentor and service provider goes through seasons like this. You're not the only one. And you know what? Like, I've worked with clients who are, uh, high six figure mentors and coaches and those that are even earning into seven figures plus as service providers, and we are all still at some point in our careers feeling this way. So let's strip it back. And I want to get into some strategies that can really help you close your next five clients with so much confidence. And if you are struggling right now to make the ask or you just really need to have some sort of fresh approach and some fresh energy and the best vibrations, I've got you covered. So get comfy. Let's get into it. A lot of my mastermind clients at the moment are, uh, really feeling that there is an. A sense of hope that's always there. And that's why we do what we do and we stay focused and we invest time and energy and money into our, uh, businesses. But there's an increasing frustration around how different things are. And especially if you're working with somebody who really found a lot of their success pre Covid, during COVID and maybe a year afterwards, and they're always sort of screaming from the rooftops how successful they were, but they're not talking about the current state of how the business is going. And I how it feels really frustrating. And you're just sort of left there wondering, hang on, is it just me or is it everybody else that's finding it really difficult to, you know, get the yes from clients at the moment? I really hope this conversation enlightens you because I'm about to say that I have definitely felt that this year there have been a lot more clients who have signed up with me, but the process of signing up has definitely been a lot more comprehensive. There's been a lot more thinking time. I think a lot of buyers and consumers and those that are in the market for mentors and coaches and service providers, they have either been through certain situations that have left them really feeling like they need to double check and triple check the vibes. And whether, you know, the coach that they're choosing to hire is exactly who they say they are on social media. So they're doing a lot more due diligence or there's just a bit more of a longer lead in these days to saying yes to a program that's like 510 know this to be true across the board. I have spoken to my previous mentors about this. Just because we're friends now and they're like, Ruby, it is so much harder to sign clients as it was in 2019 2020. People were just like, so happy to say yes, to give it a go, to bind to people's energy. But now it's very much about if you do not have solid evidence that you can deliver on what you're saying, or if you don't have testimonials or people that they can call and reference check, for example, then it's just not going to be the smooth, you know, easy flow that I guess a lot of coaches and mentors out there do overdo in terms of their messaging at times. Like, whenever I talk about it, I'm always showing you what it is that I've done in order to have signed, the clients that I've signed, and a lot of my work that I've been doing over the last six years has accumulated, you know, so if you're just starting out and you're six months in or twelve months in, and let's say you've signed less than $10,000 worth of clients, or you've worked with five to ten clients as a whole in total, ever. Firstly, that is massive, and I am so happy that you've done that and that you're on your way. But there are just a few more checkpoints to move through now. And if you've been listening to this podcast for a while, you will know that I'm always talking about energy and vibration and how important it is to believe that these things can happen for you really quickly. But this isn't the episode for that. This is the doing part. This is the bit where you're saying, universe, I'm doing my part and I know that I have really really put my precise energy, intention, and execution behind these aspects. And I, uh, now I know and trust and believe that things are absolutely going to be aligning for me. So let's talk about how to sign your next five clients. The reason why I picked five as a number is this can feel very easy. I hope it feels easy. And if it doesn't, then we need to go back a step and talk about your beliefs around why you're coaching, why you're mentoring, why you think you've got a service that solves problems for people. And if five feels really hard to achieve, then that's going to be the belief work. But five is also really significant, because at this point, if you can sign five clients, looking at the way in which you've attracted them, it's going to give you enough intelligence and wisdom and data to then go, you know what? I could replicate that for my next five, and I could do that again for my next five. That's definitely a real nice a to b kind of place to almost embody, as opposed to going, how do I get from here to a million dollar business? If you just go a to b, b to c, c to d, and break it down five clients at a time should feel great if you are, uh, focused on the right strategies. And of course, the mindset behind that is so crucial. So let's chat. The first area that I want to talk about is how can you nurture, uh, your existing audience? And this is such a basic 101, but it's so overlooked. And I'm guilty of this, too, and I know a lot of my clients, whenever I bring this up, there's sort of this sense of what I didn't. Oh, okay, hang on. Aren't, uh, we meant to be focused on social media going viral, doing those cool reels, and being smart with our content and our copywriting? Guys, that's all well and good, but when you think about reconnecting with your current audience, and these are people that are friends, uh, and family and friends of friends and ex colleagues and peers and people that you literally almost don't see, you've got this, like, blindness around them because they're right under your nose. I really want you to think about how you can reconnect and reengage with some of these potential clients who fall in under this umbrella and even people who have shown you interest before, but you haven't so called converted them into clients because you never thought anything else around it. Like, a perfect example is people that you might be catching up with over a barbecue. I've just come back from one, actually. It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon. My husband had his end of season get together with all of his footy mates and wives and girlfriends and family members and all that. We threw up a big barbecue, lots of drinks, beautiful time in the sunshine. And I can't tell you how many conversations I had with people saying, what do you do for work? Or I follow you on Instagram, or, hey, so and so told me that this is what you do. That's really cool. You know, there would have been a time where I wouldn't have thought much about it and almost embarrassingly soaked that under the rug or just thought, no one's actually really that interested. But nowadays, it's not to say, like, I see every single conversation as a way to convert a lead into a client, because, ew. Like, that just doesn't work for me in my world. But it's enough to just strike up a chat to be like, yeah, this is what I do. This is what I help people with. And if they're interested, they'll ask. And then it kind of gets to the point where they want to know about what it's like to coach with me and work with me. I'll be like, you know what? I'll send you some stuff to have a look at and maybe a podcast episode, and you can get a sense of what it's like to vibe with me and my coaching style and also on Instagram. Lately, I have really loved doing this style of story. But if you go to my Instagram, which is underscore Ruby Lee, and you take a look at my highlights, if you go to the highlight with the letter C on it, you will see that it's called coaching. And there are so many Instagram stories that I've saved into my highlights since January. And literally, I'm just like, hey, just scroll through that particular highlight and you can get a sense of what I coach on. You can get a sense of my coaching style, my mentoring discussions, and my points of view, my ethos. And if that's right for you, then send me through a DM, because, yeah, we can chat about that. And this is how I engage with the current existing audience and networks that are around me. And in this example, where I have Instagram highlights saved, I also want you to think about how you can create value driven content that is, content that you can share, addressing the specific things that they're wanting to know about you so that you're not needing to explain the nitty gritty of everything that you do to every single person you meet, which is therefore extremely exhausting. You can literally point them in the direction to be like, do you want a sample of my work? Here it is. And it's great for your target audience, so to speak. Like, this can also be done through emails, this could be done through blogs, uh, podcast episodes. Just a way for you to demonstrate your expertise and help them really drop into your world so it's easier to understand. And therefore, especially with your warm networks, it really does take the awkwardness factor out. You can just send them there and if they really want to pursue working with you further, then they will. And another example that I've got about this one with close networks, a, uh, friend of mine from school, oh, my gosh. Blast from the past, messaged me on LinkedIn, and, um, it was so crazy because I had to kind of reread that and go, oh, my gosh. Anyway, so he sent me a message and he's like, oh, my God. Long time since school days. I see you're absolutely killing it on here, which is LinkedIn, and I've been following your journey on other socials. Would love to catch up for a coffee one day. And I was like, oh, my gosh. No way. How are you, legend? I see that you work somewhere where I used to work, too. Blah, blah, blah. Gave him a bit of an update, but it'd be great to catch up when I'm back in Melbourne. And he goes, thanks so much, mate. Congrats. So cool. By the way, I'd love your advice if we could do a quick virtual catch up sometime. I'm approaching my next transition of my career. Would be awesome to hear what you do and how you can help. Now, if anyone gets this message, this type of message, uh, and it's from a friend that I honestly, I went to school with him a very long time ago. Like, it's ages. I know that some of us can get kind of weird with that, like speaking to friendship groups about what you do and then do you do it for free? In all honesty, I don't know him that well. It's been well over, gosh, 20 years since I've even seen him that I don't feel at all strange about then going into. Yep, no worries. Here is a call to book in with me, and you can either pay for an hour and we can sit down, you can pick my brain, we can talk about all the things that you want, or if you want to book in a 15 minutes, call about my coaching packages, we can do that. Also, I don't feel strange at all about that, and you shouldn't either. You know, we are running businesses and companies, and this is like any other company would do the same thing. Not to say that, you know, you can't have special deals for your friends. Go ahead and do that if that feels good. But there are existing audience members that are literally right under your nose who want to be clients with you. But it's up to you to treat them like a client. If you only treat them as a friend, or if you are so orcs about it, they're never going to convert to be inclined of yours. I'm sorry, but if you're not treating those conversations like a business conversation, you can't also expect your initial network to convert to being amazing clients of yours. So that had to be said. Okay, number two, let's talk about leveraging your omnipresence. This is a term that one of my mentors, Scott Alford, had coined. And I really love this idea of literally be everywhere for your ideal clients. And this is the consistency game. You're showing up always across multiple platforms where your best, most target audience are likely going to be. And if your intention is so focused on where are my next five clients coming from, you also need to really get intentional about where your target audience hangs out. One of my very long term clients is a leadership consultant, and she's based over in the US, and she's just like Ruby. I've been trying so hard to acquire my new clients. Where are they? Where are they? She was hanging out mostly on Instagram. Now, I'm, um. Definitely, I'm not going to sugarcoat anything, but I want to say this. If you're a leadership coach and you want to convert corporate companies and their teams into leadership programs, why are you on Instagram only? Okay, so in bracket, she was only on Instagram. And the proportion of Instagram versus another platform, which no surprise here, I'm going to recommend, LinkedIn was 80% Insta, 20% LinkedIn. So over the last few months, we've been shifting that to 80% LinkedIn, 20% insta. Guess what happened? Guess what happened. She signed her first corporate client, and we're talking corporate deals here are always in and around the multiple five figures. So her first consulting gig that she'd signed in a very long time was 21,000. And I'm just like, why do we make it so hard for ourselves when we think about social media, get clear about where it is that your target people are hanging. So this includes LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, industry specific forums. Your goal is to become the go to expert that they see regularly. That's omnipresence. And every time you're depositing a post into your personal brand, it's like a coin going into the trust piggy bank. People are trusting you more and more. The more they see you, the more they read relevant posts. You are literally utilizing this free availability of being able to spread your word across the world thanks to the Internet and being able to do big things there. Now, if you, uh, are more matched to running things like ads and retargeting your strategies, do that. But we do need to leverage your brand in some form. You cannot just sit back and hope and wait that people are going to see your things. It needs to come from a very clear messaging point. It needs to come from a place that feels passionate, exciting, fun, you know, all the things that would attract you to working with someone in the first place. If you're not being that version of you and you're just spitting out the facts, like, this is what it's like to work with me. There are going to be six calls over six m months. I mean, boring. I want to know what it is like to be in the space of working with a coach who gets it, who is also doing the things, who is also ahead of their time, who is also learning alongside me, who has coached other people, who have done some things that I also really want to do, who is just fired up, who has some really, really great testimonials. And if you don't have any of those things, well, there's your starting point. When I first started, I was grabbing, like, my best friends and their friends, and I'd be like, can I coach you? Can I coach you? In exchange for really honest testimonial. And if I was shit, tell me that I'm shit because I want to get better. And that was literally how I started. It was such a basic rule just to get myself off the ground that it paid off in such a big way. You know, I got a whole bunch of testimonials for my website, for LinkedIn, all the things, and it made such a massive, massive difference to how people saw me in a really, really positive light in a very short amount of time. So ask yourself, if I could really be the version of me who was signing five clients very quickly, in the next few days, weeks, even a month, how could I better leverage the opportunities that gets my presence out there in a really big way? The answers are going to be very clear to you and it's probably the answers that you've already had for some time, but you've been pushing it away for ages. So yeah, definitely ask yourself that. And by the way, if the answer that you've been pushing away is I'm ready to brand on LinkedIn and I want to learn how to do this from the expert aka Ruby Lee, then I'm going to leave a link to my free LinkedIn course which is going to show you how you can brand on LinkedIn in 100 days and to really grow your platform m on there. I think you're absolutely going to love it. Hi my loves. I hope you are loving this episode as much as I have loved creating it for you. I'm, um, quickly dropping in to let you know of a flow tool which I think you will love to have alongside you in your business and definitely your more complex goals that you might be setting for yourself. This is a tool which is steeped in flow science. It's a 90 minutes audio flow track filled with my favorite lo fi productivity beats, and it is soaked with the best subliminals to help you call in more focus, more impact, more income and more productivity than ever. If you are wanting to experience this level of time dilation, of folding time, of getting more done in a shorter period of time, then this is what you'll need in your business. I'm going to leave the links below, and for now, let's head back to the episode. Okay, number three, this is not going to be a surprise, but we need to have an irresistible offer. What is an irresistible offer? An irresistible offer is something of high value that you can offer for free, actually, or at a low cost. It's something that is a no brainer. I want in. I want to be on your email list. I want to get the video. In exchange for that, I want to read your ebook, I want to watch your series, I want to come to your live event. All kinds of things that you can come up with, webinars, a uh, detailed guide, a mini course. I could keep going, but this is really so that you can help your ideal person now that you've done all the work around leveraging your presence online and really thinking about like your existing audience who are, uh, leaning so far in friends are friends, school friends from 20 years ago, all the things. And you're now saying, hey, if you're not sure, I've got this offer. And you can watch that, read that, get into that goodness, and if you like the vibes of that, you'll really like working with me in a more in depth way. But I get it. You probably just want to dip your toes in the water first. So let's do it. And I want to help you along, um, the way solve a really significant problem that is making life hard for you right now. So we need to get clear on the problem statement. So a really good example that I've literally just shared with everybody is if you have no idea how to start personal branding on LinkedIn, I have a free opt in and it's a three part video series to help you personal brand in 100 days or less. That's a very clear a to b statement. I want you to think about what yours is. Now, once you have your irresistible offer, we want to think about how do we invite them personally to either say yes to the freebie or to say yes to the low cost offer? And it's, this is the work, you know, your next five clients as we're thinking about selling them, the solution that you have. Have you ever thought about how you would personally invite somebody to a, uh, one to one call with you? Have you ever thought about how you would personally speak to someone about how you can help them solve their challenges without being weird about it? And how you would make an offer exclusively to this person? Or maybe it's like even a group, a group of people and creating this sense of yes, this is so irresistible, this is so exciting, so yummy. I definitely want to be a part of this. Have you said the words out loud? And if that's really hard for you to even conceive because we're so focused on need to get the social media post out, need to get the caption going, need to get the right hashtags and thinking about like, once again, good old 80 20 rule, 80% of your energy is going towards creating an awesome post or posts for the day and 20% of your energy is actually going towards client acquisition. Doesn't make sense, does it? And so there are some days where I just fully don't show up on socials. And if I am on social media and I have the omni presence, it's because I have my beautiful team helping me out and deb is posting for me or she's already scheduled some stuff. But in actual fact, 80% of my day is speaking to people about coaching with me, coaching extensions, coaching variations. So if I've had a client for three months who's done three month one to one coaching and a variation is that they're dropping into voxer only coaching for the next six months. Great. Like, I'm still talking to them about what that looks like from a, uh, financial and time energy perspective. I'm speaking to people in the DM's. I am, um, promoting my freebie. Come join my next free event. It's going to be on this. Come speak to me about how I can help you acquire your next five clients. Even recording this podcast is a way for you guys to lean into what I teach on, what I'm good at, what I'm sure of, what I'm confident around, and I can, hand on heart, say, I can help you get your next five clients. I cut fully, fully 100,000% can help you acquire, uh, your next five clients. And we'd be going through a similar process like this on our, uh, next coaching call. And I know so many of you are already coaching with me, which I'm so thrilled about, because then I'll get messages every Wednesday when the episode goes out, I'll get messages from my already clients saying, I loved what you said on the podcast. Can we talk about that in our next one to one? Specifically to me, I'm like, yes, let's do that. So what is your irresistible offer? And if you can't get behind speaking about it, then I want you to do something. I want you to look at yourself, either on video or a mirror. Like, no one needs to be on the other side of the video. It's just you. And I want you to record yourself or speak to yourself in the mirror, actually, as though you are naturally and casually speaking about an offer. As easy as. Okay, so, Ruby, I definitely feel after our conversation today that I can help you. And this is what it would look like. So you are finding it really difficult to acquire, uh, your next five clients. I know I can help you do that. And how we're going to do that is we're going to look at nurturing your existing audience and who are there. So we're going to make a big fat list together. And in our brainstorming session, I'm going to help you think bigger about who you could actually put on that list, and then we're going to start rolling that out. But alongside that, I want to have a look at how you're leveraging your omnipresence and your personal brand and whether you're hanging out in the right spots. And then we're going to look at what offers you can offer them. Like, what is it that they would actually really want? Once we nail these three down. Your next five clients are going to flow to you really, really fast. Do you want to hang out and do something like that together? Now, that felt very natural and very easy, and I backed it. But it's only because I trust in myself. I trust in my work. I trust in my value so much that there's no umming and ah ing or weirdness through it. It's just like, if that is your main issue right now, then I can help. Like, I put up my hand, I'm good. I'm excited to help you do that. And a lot of that comes from, I've been in business six years, which I definitely don't say that, like, oh, my God, I've been in business for so long because it's not that long. It's my first company that I've ever run. It's the first time that I've ever had entrepreneurship in my life. It's not like my parents or even my husband's parents. Like, no one in our family is all that entrepreneurial. We are the most entrepreneurial couple in both of our families combined. And I think that is so special. And actually, now my sister in law is in entrepreneurship, which is very exciting. But apart from that, it's not like we had a model of success. You have to create your own level of success. And if that means pitching yourself in the mirror every morning after you brushed your teeth and you're doing your makeup, then do that. Okay. And then there's so many more things that I know that you and I could work on together, like how to build that deeper relationship and focus on how to grow your connection with your audience and not just grow your audience numbers and how we can further optimize your offer. Because once you move into the deeper process with me, where we've got irresistible offers set up, then we talk about your signature offer. Then we talk about how to make that profitable. Then we start refining your core offer, how to sell that fearlessly, all the wonderful things, and not to mention the mindset that goes behind that of staying consistent, staying persistent, and the importance of that drive that comes from within. Because as soon as you stop showing up, as soon as you stop refining things and you stop nurturing your own self, it's really hard to get back on the horse. Like, it's so funny. Like, I've learned over the years that whenever I'm feeling like I just need to totally step away from the business, it has been so, so hard to get back into it. It's like riding a bike and having to pedal that over and over again. And I'm, um, not saying, like, don't take a break because that is silly. And I would never say that as a flow state coach, but just being aware of your flow and knowing that you don't need to come to a complete dead stop standstill because flow has many different currents. So you're just taking it down a notch and you're allowing that consistency to be different and you're operating from a place of abundance. And therefore, your approach to having clients come to you is so magnetic and it's so effortless and it's so easy. So, um, I want to help you focus on how to achieve these goals with more effortlessness and with way more precise execution. The offer that I really want to put out there to all of you who want to be a part of this is sitting in the show notes. I want you to join me for four epic calls. And we are literally going to be working through how to acquire your next five clients. We're going to be really discussing the power of what that looks like. We're going to be talking about how you approach your immediate networks. How do you sign your first five clients? What it is that is missing in terms of your omnipresence and your personal branding. We're going to look at your irresistible offers and what you're putting out there. So check it out. I think you're absolutely going to love it. It's under $100 to join the. The details are, uh, in the show notes below. We start very, very soon. If you are looking at the dates and we've already begun, click to the link anyway and you should be able to access it as a standalone. You just won't have the live component with it, which will be the benefit of joining now where I will literally be on all the live calls. Lots of Q and A, lots of personalized time. Uh, yeah. Anyway, I hope that this is exciting to you. I'm so pumped, you guys. Next five clients means that once you do this, you can replicate it across the board. So anytime you're wanting to top up your private client work or your consulting work, come back to this episode and just notice how many pings have come through just in listening to this and realizing shit like, I'm doing it this way and Rube's just totally called me out and this is so right. And this is exactly why I'm not acting in alignment as a business owner right now and instead I'm acting like a sook or a victim or I'm feeling sorry for myself when no wonder that's happening because I'm not fully backing my offer or I'm not showing up as a business owner. I'm not showing up as someone who's running a company and a business. So these are all the really amazing benefits of just having these open discussions with honestly with me, a coach who's there in the trenches with you every day. I'm not someone who sits in my high castle just strategizing. I am doing this as well. I go through these seasons as well. I fully understand how frustrating it can feel and I want to be there with you. Okay? So I hope you love this episode. I hope to see you inside of your next five clients which is the month that we're going to be having together. If you need more information please send me through a DM on Instagram. Otherwise, click to the link below and I will catch you in the next one. Okay, bye my loves.