Flow State Business

How To Tell The Universe You Are Ready!

• Ruby Lee

Being ready for bigger things in the business isn't just about wishing for something and wondering when it's going to show up.

I'm excited to muse on this and open up thoughts and conversations around what you can do to invite the big new beginnings to flow in and how to also tell the universe you're ready 💫

The signs are everywhere right now... take for instance on Sunday, I came across a beautiful brown feather 🪶 right there on my path as I walked to the beach. It was the most stunning feather I've ever seen!

Why is this significant?

Tune in and enjoy— also, I recorded this episode while standing because the words just wouldn't flow when I was sitting. Coincidence? I think not!

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00:00:00 Intro
00:02:30 Deciding to Be Available for More
00:04:14 Aligning Energy with Desires
00:07:00 Taking Simple Actions to Signal Readiness
00:13:21 Understanding the 80-20 Rule in Business Growth
00:17:55 Client Lists and Follow-Up Strategies
00:21:22 Signs from the Universe and Expansive Energy
00:30:15 Key Takeaways: Aligning Energy and Taking Action

Okay, this definitely is a first for the Flow State Business Podcast. I am recording this episode standing up. I am usually always seated. I have a cute little studio at home and I've got my comfy chair and I put the headphones on and I record. Today, the episode requires a stand up, apparently. I'm just listening to my intuition. So here we are. Maybe you can hear the difference in my voice because we are talking about some really, really big things today and in particular, an energy that I am feeling. so big right now in my world. And not just in terms of what my clients are asking, but definitely in terms of how I'm feeling intrinsically as well. And the topic we are here to talk about today is how to tell the universe that you are ready. It's like literally getting the party started and I feel like a DJ standing up. So that is the energy that we are soaking in this episode. And if you are brand new to this podcast, Oh, massive welcome. Clearly our energy and our frequency is matching. Hello, Leo season, big vibes, big energy. You know, um, it's a Sunday today and I had a really lovely morning. My son went to a birthday party and so hubby and I had a really nice five hours together in the morning of just blissful him and I time and we went on this beautiful beach walk today. And on the way back, he said to me, doesn't it just feel like there is prosperity in the air? And I don't know, there's something about the way when Michael says something, because he's such a man of few words, when he says something and it is about money and abundance and wealth and overflow, I'm telling you, it hits me. And I'm like, yes, I claim that so deeply and anyway, it was just such a beautiful walk and just a wonderful way to reconnect with him and all the things that we're wanting to do in the business and not just that, the life goals that we have as a couple. You know, we've been together for 10 years and it's just been a blink of an eye. I was in a relationship prior to Mike and we were together for 10 years also. What can I say? I'm a long-term type of gal and that relationship felt really slow. Like I remember it got to seven years and I'm like, oh my God, this is so slow. This is so slow. And then as soon as I met Mike, it literally has felt like time is not a part of the conversation in our relationship whatsoever. And oh, it's just so nice when you find your person, you know, and a lot of this actually links back to me deciding that I was available for more, you know, like there were times when I would be saying in the relationship side of things, How can I tell the universe that I'm ready for more? And then it happened again in business. How can I tell the universe that I'm ready for more? So if right now you have this stirring within your soul, like you feel it within your sacral and there's this undeniable nudge that whispers, you are so ready for more. And what this is, is this like exhilarating moment when you sense that there's this new chapter unfolding where there's just these dreams that maybe you've harbored really silently for so long and they're beginning to turn up. You feel like the echo on it is getting louder and louder and that the microphone system's actually really working and it's coming in. And it might even be this wake up call around those dreams that you had set at the start of this year or even way beyond that. Like how many times have I personally been in seasons where I forget I've actually set myself dreams? Like because I've been so in the thick of it and I've been so head down and yeah, things have felt really challenging in whatever area of my life is feeling really pushed at that time, that there's moments where I have to tell myself, hey, Reubs, remember those dreams and they've been harbored, they've been silenced, they've been forgotten about. This is the opportunity for you to really tell the universe that you're so ready. And you know what, I want to say this really loud and clear right now, telling the universe that you're ready isn't just about setting goals or making plans. This is not the vibe of this episode. I am talking about stepping into a higher vibration, aligning your energy with your deepest desires and boldly declaring that you're ready. You know, the readiness. neon lights are literally flashing from so far away. And there is just this, yep, like there is no denying it. I'm right here. You cannot miss me. Thank you, dreams. I am on, right? Like everything that you're thinking about right now in terms of this big dream energy is starting to activate. I was having a conversation with one of my clients, Judy, and she said, you know, one of the things that she really struggles with all the time is this energy of constant pendulum swings between knowing that she was ready, like literally she'll say, she's so sassy. I love it. Love you, Judy. She's like, I literally feel like I was born to be so big and I was born to do it, you know, like have this big life and have the abundance and be that personal brand and write the books. And knowing that she was always ready for more. but at the same time doubting whether she could actually achieve the desires that she wanted to. And this internal conflict, I've seen it happen within her. It's created this split frequency. And I love this example. Every single time I think about, you know, this split frequency, the best way to think about it is like what Abraham Hicks says around, you can't simultaneously be in the energy of wanting and having at the same time. We have to break free from this split energy. And this requires alignment and action. It doesn't require you to sit there making plans and making these goals and these dot points in your journal because without actually taking radical alignment and action, nothing's going to happen and you're just going to keep continuing in this pendulum swing which has somehow weirdly become quite a safety net for you. It's become the thing that you're used to. You're used to it going up and down, feast or famine, you know, lots of abundance or none of it at all. And sometimes it can be simply broken, this energy and this split frequency. You have to interrupt the pattern of it because right now it's actually sitting in your neural pathways as a normality. Like this is normal going up and down and this feast and famine. So we want to circuit break this entire pattern right now with a very simple move. Now it might be one move that feels almost too easy and Most times it is so easy, but we don't allow ourselves to take the easy moves because we keep saying that we have to reach for the hard things in order for us to feel like we've earned it, right? It's that whole philosophy of working harder is what gives us the rewards. Sometimes the easy moves are the fruits that's ready to be plucked and it's literally at eye level, but you're going for the thing right at the top of the tree. So, let's do and let's do a little exercise. If you're driving, don't do it, but if you have a minute, I know a lot of you tell me that you have your laptops or your pens and your papers out and you're ready to write some notes. I want you to do a little exercise as to what is an easy move you can make today. Something like reaching out to somebody or changing your momentum by attending a networking event or sharing what you do with a complete stranger, someone who is maybe doing your nails or doing your These seemingly small actions can have such a profound impact on letting the universe know that you are ready. So another example, my friend Amy, she owns an amazing masseuse place, right? Like, what do you call it? A massage clinic. There you go. Masseuse place. You know what I mean. And she was saying to me that, you know, there's certain seasons in the year where things get really, really quiet. And then as a cycle for her business, things really pick up during other seasons of the year. And she's like, I just don't know what to do. You know, there's moments where I sit there and I'm twiddling my thumbs and it just feels like, oh, it's so difficult to get people through the door. And I mentioned to her, why don't you just do a really simple letterbox drop around your area? Now she has, obviously she's servicing local clients so she can do this. And she said, oh, that just sort of seems, you know, kind of backwards. And I'm like, maybe it's backwards or is it that it seems too easy? So what do you know, the week after, She designed some beautiful Canva flyers and pamphlets and talked about her services and how much it was and how to contact her, how to find her on Instagram. And she just went for a walk with her dog, did a couple of blocks, handed out the pamphlets. And what this did was, you know, while it didn't necessarily result in clients straight away from her area, which you never know. You know how some people, they'll say, I don't quite know how I found you, but I found you. You never know whether it came from that flyer or not. But in Amy's case, what happened was it didn't seem like an immediate uptick of clients, but it told the universe that she was ready for more and willing to take action, even if it felt uncomfortable. Now, the very next week after that, she started to see way more bookings coming through, but interestingly enough, also collaboration opportunities that would open up her small business to new networks. And she was then invited to attend a couple of events. I even invited her to come to my event and play some sound bowls because she's got just so many amazing bowls that just speak volumes to me. But this is just a really great example of it may not be the direct action that brings the results that you want, but it's the action which tells the universe that you are ready. So do the exercise. Is it reaching out to a few people on your small email list to reconnect and share updates? Maybe I know a lot of you have created opt-ins and you have not actually followed up with a single nurture sequence or an email to say, hey, you've literally just given them the opt-in and nothing else has followed from there. So there is a little reminder, might even be signing up for a workshop or some sort of event to help you network with other people, collaborating with other peers and or colleagues on a content piece and it opens up your audience to their brand and vice versa. Maybe it's volunteering to speak at an industry event or webinar. You know, it reminds me of when I first started, I would reach out to a couple of my mastermind friends. So I was in a mastermind and they all held masterminds as well. And I would say to them, Do you want me to come and speak for free inside of your mastermind on how to start and build a LinkedIn personal brand? And it was fantastic because I had six or 7,000 followers on Instagram at the time. And by the time I'd gone through all of my mastermind friends and peers and colleagues in the industry, I was growing at such a faster rate than trying to do it on my own. So, look around the industry, you may as well put in for a little pitch. I love it when my clients reach out to me and they say, hey, Rubes, I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be the right fit for the podcast or if I can come and guest speak inside of the mini mind, but you know, here is my little pitch and they go ahead and they share their skills and what they do and their passion. And I just think there is something so incredible about that, that for me personally, even if it's not the right timing or, you know, it's just, yeah, not quite the right fit, I will always encourage whoever it is that asks me to keep on going. And it might not be the timing for us, but it could be the timing for some others and so on and so forth. Really, really cool. I actually had a client of mine pitch me for a podcast last week and I said to her that my podcast guests are filled up for the year, which they are. And in terms of her pitch itself, it actually gave me a fantastic idea to create a mini segment, which is coming up now on the Flow State Business Podcast, where I gather all of my incredible clients to speak on a panel and it's like a panel style interview for the Flow State Business Podcast. Anyway, more on that to come, but you never know when you're putting your ideas forward, what this does to the other person receiving it. And this is collaboration at its best. Hey guys, I am going to briefly interrupt this episode which I hope you are absolutely loving and let you know that I have a free resource to help you connect deeper to the energy of impossible success. This is an EFT tapping emotional freedom technique, one of my favorite ways in order to help connect the body at a cellular level to my bigger desires and goals in business. You are going to love it. If you've never done it before, it's going to be a whole new incredible experience. Link is in my show notes. So go ahead and grab that for you right now, which you can listen to after this episode. Okay, let's head back. So the next thing that I want to talk about in terms of how to tell the universe that you're ready. is understanding the good old 80-20 rule in business growth and this is so crucial. This is an expectation versus reality type of energy and also how much you are doing versus how much you are not doing and really giving yourself a reality check around saying, hey universe, I want to feel ready but I'm not versus I am ready. So for where I am now, 80% of my sales and new opportunities actually come from just me consistently putting myself out there for six years. And the whole idea of my personal brand has really compounded over time and therefore 80% of my business is attraction based. And that's the goal. This is why I'm so passionate teaching personal branding, why I know, you know, certain platforms like the podcast and LinkedIn is deeply, deeply crucial in having you experience more ease and effortlessness down the track as opposed to just being on the content wheel with Instagram and TikTok where it's not long form and evergreen. Your personal brand compounds over time when you are choosing platforms where people can dive in and binge on all of your content in the most profound way, in a high value way. So that's why I now have 80% of my clients come through with just so much ease and effortlessness. However, the remaining 20% of my yearly sales activity still depends on me being proactive, so proactive efforts like reaching out, sending personalized, I call them dear soulmate client letters, where I am effectively pitching new client or an existing client to come and work with me and how I know my services or my energy can really help them with where they're at. And it's also this idea of boldly tapping existing clients on the shoulder to continue working together in a longer form way, because you've got to really remember that the easiest sales that you can make as a mentor or service-based business is from within the business itself rather than constantly trying to go out there and, you know, make new sales from completely cold leads. And that's where I find a lot of my clients really trip up in terms of not experiencing flow and therefore burning themselves out. When I shine a spotlight on their activity and their behavior, it's that they are so constantly exhausted trying to get in new clients and not actually converting the ones that they already have. So conversation that we definitely have inside of our coaching programs. So I wanted to give you that reminder of the 80-20 rule. In fact, I sent a note to my mastermind last week, just before I picked up my son from school, and I said, ladies, you know what I did today? I had a $25,000 cash sales day. And you wouldn't even be able to tell on Instagram anywhere else whatsoever. It was purely me just reaching out to clients that are existing to say, hey, contracts are coming up. Do you want to continue on for another six months? Or saying to my clients who have already wrapped up, let's say, They finished up six months ago and I would just go back to them to say, I'm wondering if you want to continue consulting but in this way where I want to help you raise your personal brand on LinkedIn and we can also do more coaching around this area, also the energetic space which you were interested in last time. Where are things at in your business? You know, of all the messages and the letters that I sent out, the Dear Soulmate client letters, I sent out 15 on last week in total. I had nine replies with yeses and of the others that didn't, they were so kind and they were so beautiful and it wasn't awkward. And some of them said that they're in current masterminds and as soon as that finishes, they're going to come back to me or as soon as they finish up, some of them were on trips in Europe. I mean, hello, European summer. So they were there doing that and as soon as they're back they're going to reach out and restart things. So that's what the 20% looks like and I can say hand on heart the 20% is where there's just such a clear cash flow energy running through the business. If I didn't do that I would be Not just leaving a lot of money on the table, that saying can kind of be overused, but just leaving a lot of clients and customers at a point where I know I could help them further, but I'm choosing not to because of my fear. Do you know what I mean? Like when you think about it that way, it feels so much easier to approach somebody. I mean, just think about your current client list or your past one that, you know, you've got, I really do hope you've got a list of clients that you have in play that you would reach out to, you know, past and present. And I've got like an orange list and I've got a red list and I've got a green list and they all mean different things. My traffic light system. So, you know, a red list, for example, might mean that they're not able to join coaching for whatever reason. It could be that they've just had a newborn baby and they've literally just sent back a message with a hard no. to say, I just can't right now, reach back out to me in 12 months. They go on the red list and then that moves across. Anyway, whole process behind the scenes. I do hope that you have something like that in play, but my lists are rich and wonderful and abundant. And when I think about all the names on this list, I think about the people that I can help and where we left off. And some of them Absolutely, we'll come back to say, I've changed direction, Rubes, and you know, when we worked together, we were focused on this, but I've just thrown in the towel and I've started something different. Or I will have some clients say to me, you know, this is where I'm at, I didn't realize, and this is like really where I personally kick myself and maybe this is now a bit of a, for me anyway, like a nice sign to say, yeah, like universe, I'm ready, bring on more clients like this. There was an instance where I pitched a client who I absolutely adored and about nine months ago we were working together and she's like, Ruby, can you teach me LinkedIn? Can you teach me LinkedIn? And I said, oh babe, I just don't do LinkedIn anymore. It's just not something that is in my wheelhouse for the next little while. And what do you know? I mean, like six months later, I'm everywhere with LinkedIn again. I'm passionate about it. You do just energies and universe and vibes. You can never, ever pick when that happens. Anyway, so I'd gone back to her saying, Hey, I'm back in the LinkedIn world. Do you want me to pick things up? And she's like, Rubes, I went to somebody else because you said you didn't do it. And now I'm locked into a 12 month mastermind with this other person. So, you know, I think it just goes to show that sometimes you have to put yourself out there, but the conversations also aren't that scary. I promise you guys, like if you are a really, really good coach, mentor and service provider, who is true to your word, you stick to your values and you're just authentically who you are, you can't fuck it up. You know, if you're someone who is just really not that great at client service and follow-ups and you haven't built a relationship because your business is transactional, It may be a little bit harder, but there's no time like the present to go ahead and just do it, right? Get it done. Okay, the third little bit before we wrap up the episode, and this part here is really important to me, and it may or may not resonate with everybody, but if I'm speaking to the universe saying, I'm ready, And it's not quite happened yet. You know, my bank account doesn't have a spare $30 million in it. And I don't have Tony Robbin TV screens where I'm live streaming to 7,000 people at one time simultaneously. You know, if I don't have those things right now in my 3D, how do I stay in the energy of having rather than wanting? So I will always, always keep an eye on the signs that are around me. There have been so many signs lately, and they have been very strange, very bizarre signs, but this whole energy for me is I'm telling the universe that I'm ready for really big things. I'm back in that big, expansive, Sagittarius, Jupiter energy, expand, expand, expand. I've been journaling so much. I'm going bigger, going bigger, and whatever that looks like, and there's been so many things. I just want to read them out. as to what they are because I keep journal on what I see as a reality shift for me and this is how I can tell that my reality is changing and more of the things I'm asking for is coming my way. So literally the day that I started journaling on, I decided that I want to go bigger. I came across a YouTuber and his whole ethos is giving, he's an investor, giving money to the everyday person to start their business and to help them, yes, you know, basically start from scratch. Some of you might know Simon Squibb. I just think he has an amazing energy. I would love for him to be my mentor actually. Maybe I'm going to manifest that. just is expansive to me in every way. And he literally goes up to people at the train station and says, Hey, what's your dream? And then he funds their dream, like real life, street style, dragons, den, shark tank situation, but without the production. I just freaking love it. And that to me just felt like this is coming to my algorithm to help me see how big I can go in context to, I have so much money that's overflowing. And it makes me so emotional thinking about this, that I can give back to entrepreneurs and I can help fund their dreams, like how I've been able to build mine. So sorry, I do get emotional talking about this because it's just so big, you know, the dream's so massive. There's another, sorry, there's another content creator who just does big things in terms of giving back to the homeless and the community and like basically every single dollar that he makes from his channel. He's literally going to, you know, wherever it is, delis, fast food chains, small food businesses and just buying out their store or getting as much as he can with the money that he has and then hands out the food to the homeless. There's a few channels like that which I'm like, whoa, that's really come to me. I hadn't seen it before and because usually my YouTube feed is filled with business stuff but You know, lately it's like, this is what going bigger means to me and how I can give back to the community. Oh gosh, I might need to pause guys. I'm getting so emotional. Okay. I also watched, I listened to this podcast interview with Emma Greed. If you know me at all, you'll know that she is definitely one of my business gurus. Oh my gosh, I love Emma Greed. She is now, I think on Shark Tank and, um. She's the brains behind Skims and Good American and Safely, basically the Kardashian brand. She runs the product behind it and she's the COO. She runs the shop and I love the way she thinks about it because she's also just incredible. She's a woman of color. She has four kids. She has just such a great relationship with her hubby. She just seems to have it all. Honestly, like if I were to be a persona in business, it would be Emma. And I just love hearing her talk about things when she talks about like really, really big business. And then randomly I subscribed to Gala Darling, shout out Gala on podcasting and her episode came out and it was called How To Be Really Big. I was just like, universe! I love it. I actually do need to go and listen to that. But it was just so timely. And so many other things, so many other signs that I'm noticing, even all around me. I've lately been called to go on a lot more big walks around my area, which I'm loving. I'm easily hitting 10, 15,000 steps a day because I'm just walking and walking and walking and walking. And I'm working and walking for some of it, you know, answering my client boxes, but also, you know, answering my social comments. And then I am doing my walking meditation and then just being, you know, noticing and turning off all sound, music, podcasts, absolutely nothing, listening to the cars drive by on the road, listening to the ocean waves, listening to the birds squawk around me. And I kid you not, I looked down and I see this large, large brown feather and it is so perfect, right? It is like the most stunning brown feather I have ever seen. And I walked past it at first. I was like, oh, that's so nice. Walked past it and like literally my. Feet came to a stop, did a U-turn and was like, go and pick it up. And I'm a bit of a germaphobe with these things, but I'm like, I'll just like pinch it with my nails and just hold it all the way home and then give it a good wash. But literally I was like, Oh my God, I need to go and look up what does a brown feather mean in business? Like these are the sorts of things that I will look up and that I will, you know, find meaning in. And I will turn that meaningfulness to something that connects with me saying, yes, I'm ready universe and the universe is responding to me. So right now, like if I look at what this brown feather means, like brown is the color associated with earth and it's suggesting for me to stay grounded and to be really connected with the practical aspects to my business and that I have a very solid foundation and that I am very stable and that I have, it's like signifying that my business is on a protected path and it will continue to be protected as I grow and expand in my business ventures. Like all these things, I was like, Oh my God, that is absolutely amazing. So that came through. This is actually a really funny one. So my son and his bestie and his bestie's mom, we all went on a walk and it was just so nice, you know, Saturday morning stroll, went to get a coffee. The boys were just playing by the beach and then, oh my God. Teddy's bestie is like, he's such a little dude and he is just really a boy's boy. You know, he's the kind of kid that's just, he's climbing on stuff, climbing up trees. He always looks like he's got mud on his face cause he's just doing stuff. He's an outdoors kid. Anyway, Kerry and I were talking and. She was facing the other way. Obviously she was talking and then she suddenly looked straight past me and was like, Oh my God. She's just yelled at her kid. And I've turned around and let out the biggest scream because her son's come up to us, literally holding a dead rat. Like, eww. It's so disgusting. And she's like, she's in the medical field. So she's like, do you know that that's a biohazard? I've had a patient come in before who's touched a rat and then gone to eat something and they had sepsis. It was so funny. Anyhow, I knew that was still a sign for me because literally the kids were bringing it to me, not to her. And I was like, oh my God, is this a bad omen? And you know, when you Google signs and some of the signs that you Google, the first thing you see is like impending death or something just so scary. Anyhow, I'm like always looking for the positive things. But once again, I Googled it. What does it mean to see a dead rat or to have a dead rat brought to you? And I kid you not, maybe your algorithm will be different. But when I looked at what it meant for me, the very, very top meaning was that it was the ending of old cycles because rats represent hard work, the end of hard work and old cycles and belief systems around hard work. And I was like, Oh my God, that is so fascinating because literally as I have this entire brand and business about flow state business and how I don't believe in the essence of hard work, I've literally been in the energy of working really hard for the last nine months and not to the point where I'm burning out, but I have been in such deep flow work, just rebuilding a lot of the foundations of the business and having it really position itself in a way that I know will just continue to scale in a much more grounded sense. See, brown feather. There you go. Grounded sense. And it feels a lot more protected and sturdy. There you go, brown feather again. And it's like the end of that. And I do feel that. I feel like a lot of my nine months worth of work is coming to a slowdown because I don't need to put as much energy into it because the structure is looking so good. And these, once again, it's like signs going, Ruby, we know you're ready. You are literally ending this part of the project. It's coming to an end. It's all good. You're almost there. It's here. These signs and messages from the universe may seem a little bit random, but you know, I check in. To interpret for me, I create the meaningfulness around it and according to how it feels for me in the system, am I receiving it? Yes, I am. And then I'm acknowledging how the universe speaks through me so that I can better understand the direction for my business growth and how it's meant to align with my actions accordingly. So I hope this podcast episode has given you the permission to recognize, to take the action. Here are some key takeaways. I want you to begin aligning your energy and moving from wanting to having. by simply connecting deeper with your desires and then immediately taking some kind of small, often very obvious steps to signal to the universe that you are ready for more. Don't forget the 80-20 rule, balancing the long-term brand building, the long-term relationship building with your clients and your customers, and also all the immersive work you're doing around content. Do not forget the golden rule that your current clients is really where it's at, right? Connection, relationship. Retention, this is what is really going to help you build a long-term sustainable business. And of course, we welcome all of our new clients with open arms. And then the last, but definitely not least point I want to make here is observing the signs. Stay aware of the universe's messages so that you are being guided more towards your growth, okay? So I hope that these principles that we spoke about today is really here to help you see what a new level of business growth is here looking like for you and how you can begin to see more of those signs that the universe is responding to your readiness, you're stepping more into this energy of it's happening rather than it's happening one day. So I really hope that this is giving you all the best, most amazing juicy vibes. If you love it, I would love it if you came on over to Instagram and share with me what your signs are. We love a chat like that on inside of the DMs. It's so, so beautiful. And if you haven't already and you're a long time listener or a new one, and if you haven't left a five star review on the podcast, I would so appreciate that. It would mean the absolute world to me. And in the meantime, have the best, most flowiest day and I will catch you in next week's episode.