Flow State Business

How To Always Expect The Best, Fearlessly

Ruby Lee

Lately, I’ve been playing with the energy of always expecting the best rather than fearing the worst.

This mindset shift has been a game-changer for me, both personally and in the business. It’s like this guiding light that helps me navigate challenges with more ease and keeps me aligned with the energy of success rather than getting bogged down in doubts.

I’ve been having some deep conversations with many of you who are finding it a challenge to maintain that high-vibe mindset and truly believe that good things are just around the corner. I totally understand—it’s not always easy! It actually inspired me to sit down and record the latest podcast episode and I’m sharing all about how you can cultivate that fearlessness, especially when it comes to selling.

Fearlessness in selling isn’t about being pushy or aggressive—it’s about confidently believing in the value you offer and sharing it authentically with the world. Whether you’re pitching to potential clients or promoting your latest product, approaching it with a mindset of expecting the best can make all the difference.

If you’re ready to amplify your positivity and transform how you approach challenges and sales, this episode is packed with exactly what you need.

PS. If you missed it, I'm currently live in a 3-day challenge made to help you sell fearlessly. If you've been feeling rather 'meh' about sales at the moment, this might be the very thing you've been looking for! Join the Fearless Selling Free Event right here.

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Today, I want to talk about how I'm always expecting the best outcome to happen for me in life and business, and essentially how this translates to being in the energy of fearlessness. And honestly, just being in my zone and in my lane, no matter what is happening in the industry, No matter what results are being shown to me in the 3D at the moment, what other things that in reality looks like one thing, but I know from an expectations point of view, I have a much, much higher bar set and how I operate in this sense of reality versus what I'm expecting to happen versus what I know is coming through versus telling myself that it's all good, that there's no need to panic, there's no need to fear. And this is really going to be so perfect for those of you who are, you know, in this phase where you're upgrading. I've recently just sold out my Amplify Mastermind and it was honestly just such a beautiful launch experience. Every single one of the women that have come through the process and who are currently actively working with me inside of this mastermind now. I want to share with you that all the conversations leading up to them joining, there were a lot of upgrades that were happening for each and every one of them. There were a lot of questioning of themselves, a lot of trusting in themselves, a lot of really diving into a place where maybe they haven't ever really put themselves in a position of big upgrades before. And I know every single time I've joined either a mastermind or decided to go on retreat with a coach or whether it was just stepping up in my career and actually putting myself forward for a job or saying, yes, I want to speak on this stage. There is this really uncomfortable feeling. Like I was speaking to my client, Nikki, this morning and we're talking about something else, but just this idea of when you do something that you know is good for you, sometimes it can feel like like torture at the beginning, you know, whether that is like doing yoga or going for a run for the first time in ages and you're just trying to get to five kilometers or, you know, run three miles, whatever the case is. And in this particular example, upgrading in your business and saying, yeah, you know, like I do need to invest in more knowledge. I do need to be around different networks. I do want to work with somebody who's been there before me and they can share a lot of stuff with me. But in order to do that, there's a lot of time investment, there's a lot of energy and money and all those things that go behind upgrades. All of this is going to be, I'm sure, serving you in one form or another, but I know that this topic is so needed. There's so much that's going on right now, especially in terms of the timing. If you're listening to this live, I cannot believe we're into July now. second half of 2024. One of the things that I actually did after having a podcast interview with Shantani Raja, she's coming up next week, so you'll hear her episode about how to manifest anything you want. She's also an author of a brand new book titled How to manifest anything you want. But after this episode that I recorded with Shantani, I went in and I refreshed my entire dream board slash vision board. And where I keep my vision board is actually on the lock screen of my phone, because on average, we pick up our phone 30 to 50 times a day. And let's be real, probably more than that, to be honest, especially if you're running an online business. So if I'm going to pick up my phone 30 to 50 times a day and I'm looking at the lock screen that many times a day, I can just imagine what that's doing for my subconscious mind. Anyhow, the old vision board that I had on there just wasn't vibing with me anymore. And that's cool because I made that at the start of this year. So I've swapped out a few things, like I put an image of Tanzania on my new vision board because I definitely feel Africa calling. Maybe it's cancer season or whatnot, but there's so much stuff on here about the house. Like I want to lime wash the walls of our lounge room. I want to buy a new little cozy armchair. a bougie one with a new lamp. Like I've got this whole image in my mind, so I've got that on my vision board. Stuff that I've kept on there are things that I want to continue doing and that helps me feel elevated like playing tennis and podcasting with amazing guests. And I've got a lot of stuff on here about work ethic in the form of individuals that I really respect the way that they work like Victoria McGrath and Paige Lorenz. They're both YouTubers and have personal brands and I just love the way that they show up for themselves and their brand. And then I started putting more things in there like events and not just virtual online events, but in-person events. And, you know, it's all very relative because my beautiful friend has offered up her space for free for me to host an event. So now all I have to do is pick a date and actually get promoting and start doing that. And it's just amazing when things like that actually fall into place. One of the things that actually I'm going to use as an anchor example for our episode is. housing and specifically wanting to move houses. I don't know if anyone else is kind of in this phase right now, but oh gosh, you guys, like I feel like it's been brewing for a little bit. So to give you some context, back in November 2022, I saw the plans of the house that we're now in and I knew that we had to buy it off the plan and we had to build it and it was going to be amazing. We live in a very tightly held pocket on the Gold Coast, like I could count how many houses are currently on sale here in our region on one hand in the last month. Like it is very tightly held. And also a lot of the housing here is just the prices are going through the roof. It's just a beautiful area, literally just a few minutes back from the beach. Can't complain. It's so stunning. And the lifestyle here is just next level gorgeous. But, but there's a lot of development in the area and It sucks. There's one literally right next door or close to next door to me at the moment. And it's so loud and it's so low vibe. And I can just see what the area is turning into. And also multiple other aspects. Like I am suddenly feeling like I just don't really want to have such close neighbors in close proximity. And I definitely don't want to live on farmland with 16 acres, but I just want to have more spaciousness and I'm definitely feeling the call to look for housing that I get to have more space, I get to have a big, big yard outside, all the kids do. I even want to have a little pool house and a pool, but the pool house is converted into an office and then when guests come and stay, it turns into their little space as well. I don't know, I just have this vision in my mind and this is the example that I want to anchor to because I am right now feeling like the reality is so far away from where I'm at, but I know that I have also this fascinating connection with manifestation where I can always expect the best outcome and I can see when things are changing and shifting and realities are forming in front of me. So this is funny, right? Like I don't know if you have a lot of junk mail in your area hitting your physical mailboxes, But we went for coffee this morning, my husband and I, and then he's like, you know, I haven't checked our mailbox. It's like a locked mailbox at the front. And he's like, I've not checked the mailbox in months. And I'm like, me either. So we thought, Oh, I've got to find the key. We actually found the key, opened the mailbox. And it was one of those situations where all the letters just spilled out of the mailbox. It's been a long time. We do have a PO box where we check every day. We check that every day or whenever we get messages. So we knew that this one was going to be filled with junk. And I'm telling you, 99% of the junk mail that we got were brochures and letters and business cards. And all of them were real estate and property related. You know, just the ones where it's like, Hey, if you're thinking about selling, we'd love to come in and give you an appraisal or, you know, even like handwritten ones saying, I have a buyer who's interested in your house. Can you please message or call us? Whatever, you know, their personalized message was. And that was so interesting because I looked at it and Michael just started mumbling under his breath. such a waste of, you know, marketing and paper. We need to put no junk mail in our box. And I just started giggling to myself because I knew that that was a version of my reality shifting because prior to calling in a new property or whatnot, I wasn't seeing real estate agents wanting to sit down with us and buy a house and, you know, have chats and things like that. Now it's literally billing out of our mailbox. And I definitely don't want to sell. I want to keep this one. I love me an investment property. So that's not relevant anyway. But the idea of real estate agents saying your house is in demand and this area is in demand, it tells me subconsciously my wealth is growing, my net worth is growing. I'm in a really beautiful home that is already increasing by so many hundreds and thousands of dollars, even in the last year that we've had it. And like confirmations that the best outcome is unfolding for me always, that no matter what we decide to do, whether we stay or we rent this place out or we use it as a holiday house, or we do end up selling because an amazing offer comes in, that there's so many positive outcomes. Rather than, if I were to be in a negative headspace about this, it might sound a little something like, oh, I feel so claustrophobic in this house and I don't want to be here anymore and all the construction outside is so awful, which by the way, all of this is what I'm saying was what I was saying seven months ago. It was just negative Nelly, just not myself. And then over time, day by day, and this is how it works in manifestation, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, it's how you talk to yourself, it's how you're upholding yourself, it's how you're speaking to yourself, which changes the reality that's around you. And so, now I know that my next property is coming in. And in so many conversations I'm having with the network that's around me, the people that's around me, I'm starting to suddenly pick up my phone and look at real estate a lot more, which I literally have not been doing for the last seven months plus. And now I'm checking it every night for new properties that are hitting the market. I'm keeping a closer eye on whatever it is that, you know, however much it is the properties that I'm desiring to have are. So many things like that. And I'm like, yes. And this is the universe saying, it's okay. The best outcome is going to happen. And with all of this research and this preparation and the energy work that you're doing and the actions that you're taking and what you're noticing is helping you become fearless. And I'm less worried about the whole situation. You know, we could definitely get all caught up with, oh, we need to get finance or like with this house, we manifested to pay this in full. So, oh my gosh, like I could get myself thinking about how am I going to do that all over again? And, you know, business has changed so much since like the last four years where I could put something out there and make 200,000 and now it's shifted so much because the economy is changing. No, I'm not allowing all those thoughts and the air quotes reality of the situation dampen what I know is going to be my best outcome. That's not my job. My job is not to worry about all the tiny little details of how I'm going to get to where I'm going to get to. If I did do that, I promise you I would not be in this dream house in this dream location right now. I would still be probably renting and leasing and not that there's anything wrong with that whatsoever, but I would still be worried about when would be the right time to buy and whether it was the right decision. Whereas now knowing where I was at then, I really opened up so many massive doors. That's the example that I want to provide, but one of the things that I'm focusing on this week inside of my client groups and with my audience, if you haven't seen, I have a new freebie event, which is coming up. I run these every four to six weeks and they're always different themes. I really love doing it this way. And this one's going to be extra special because I'm going to be talking about how I run free events to create sales and fill out my lead pool and have a lot of amazing discussions with my audience and how that creates such an active energy inside of my business and my company. But why it's going to be so fascinating is like literally you'll see me running the event and also talking about how I run the event. So it's going to be extra meta in one way, but I'm so excited. And the whole theme of this event is called fearless selling. And what I do to always expect the best outcomes to happen in a sales process, in a launch process, in a new opening of some sort of business arm process where I'm not spending the majority of my energy freaking out about what I don't have, but how I spend the majority of my energy being in this essence of I give a lot, I share a lot, I show people a lot of my value. that I essentially don't ever need to sell. And that's what takes the fearlessness out of it. You know, I'm in the action and the energy and the flow, and I'm in the momentum of it so much that I don't have time to worry about exactly how many numbers I need and what statistics of open rates I require in order to hit my sales target. That has never, ever worked for my energy. Expecting the best outcome in business, to me, is about aligning your energy with the desires and maintaining a really positive high vibrational mindset. It's never about, for me, maintaining a clear understanding of my data and how that's performing. that's not for everybody because some of us are really wired to reading the numbers and seeing how that's going. But I also want to ask you if you're more of that mindset of how many open rates, how many signups, how many conversions, your percentages, and you're just reading the graphs and you're reading the chart. How's that going for you? In all honesty, is that reaping the rewards that you're looking for? Is it feeling like a harvest? Or is it just feeling tiresome? Is it feeling like you can embrace a really powerful approach from the inside out? Or is it feeling powerless? Because all you're seeing there are the numbers that aren't quite being hit. So when I think about how to be fearless when it comes to selling and always expecting the best outcomes, I think about it as an infused embodiment of the wisdom that I've built because I'm in the momentum. And when I say the infused embodiment, the embodiment practice are things like how I'm visualizing my success every day. Every day I wake up and I draw cards, I do a meditation, I cleanse my room, smudge my room if it's feeling the office, if it's feeling a little heavy, I journal, I set intentions for the day, I sit in gratitude and appreciation of what I already have. The most powerful magnet when it comes to attracting more of what you want and all good things in life, I fully believe comes from gratitude and regularly acknowledging and appreciating the abundance that's already around. I know that for me, this really shifts my focus from lack to abundance, just like the example of the house where I feel lack because I don't have this beautiful pool house that I can call my office. But instead, I'm raising my vibration and I'm inviting more experiences in my life that gets me closer and closer to new realities. But in many ways, I'm not like what Abraham Hicks will always say is that you can't be in the energy of wanting and having at the same time. And, you know, grasping that concept, are you more in the energy of wanting and desiring and therefore feeling a lot in lack because you don't have it yet? Or are you in the energy of having? I have a beautiful home that I live in. I have my health. I have a business, I have ways to live in the energy of uncapped income and money flowing in all the time. Hi my loves, I hope you are loving this episode as much as I have loved creating it for you. I'm quickly dropping in to let you know of a flow tool which I think you will love to have alongside you in your business and definitely your more complex goals that you might be setting for yourself. This is a tool which is steeped in flow science. It's a 90-minute audio flow track filled with my favorite lo-fi productivity beats and it is soaked with the best subliminals to help you call in more focus, more impact, more income and more productivity than ever. If you are wanting to experience this level of time dilation, of folding time, of getting more done in a shorter period of time, then this is what you'll need in your business. I'm going to leave the links below. And for now, let's head back to the episode. The other thing that works really beautifully when I'm expecting the best is I'm following my intuition. My intuition is Definitely. I can't remember who said this, but I just love the explanation. It's your inner tuition, your inner guidance, your inner learnings. It's this GPS that's guiding you towards your desires, subconscious or conscious. So you're paying attention to these little nudges, these gut feelings, whatever you would like to call it. They're messages from your highest self and they're steering you towards the best possible outcomes. So if you're looking at the numbers and you're saying, it's not quite working for me. I don't have it. You know, I was working with someone inside of the business, this was years ago now, and they were saying, you're not going to hit your launch numbers. I just want to prepare you that you're not going to get the numbers that you want because we don't have the number of opt-ins. And based off open rates and based off the webinar show up rates, I'm so sorry to tell you this, but I just wanted to prepare you. You're just not going to hit those numbers. And I came off that call just feeling so shit, right? Oh God, like I put so much energy behind it and we just haven't had enough free signups and we just haven't had enough momentum behind this one. And I just went, clap, like snap, snap my fingers. I'm like, snap out of it, Ruby. That's not the reality we live in. I'm not surrounding myself with positivity, thinking about myself in this way where things aren't going to show up for me and that the best possible outcome is not going to happen because of course it's not going to happen. If I'm being told by somebody else who, by the way, is a wizard with numbers and has an uncanny way of predicting projections and sales flow, but I know deep down my intuition is going trust. Act on your intuitive insights. Be the embodiment of what you're teaching. Surround yourself with positivity, shape your mindset, take radical responsibility for it. Be the version of yourself that you would love to follow, invest in, say yes to. And when I'm there, what happens is I almost click into this living presence of myself, like I'm in the moment of magic can happen because I'm focusing on what I already am, what I already have, not what I want. And I'm harnessing the full power of my creative, abundant and fearless energy. I find so much joy in that journey. I find much more fearlessness when I'm in that intuitive state. When I think about all the things that feel really restrictive, they do fall under more of the work of frameworks and scripts and data and numbers and processes and steps and all the things that feel quite strict in the way that my energy either can or can't operate in because it's what the algorithm tells us that we have to do. Like another example, Last week, Dev and I had our content day and I could not for the life of me, sit down and create content from the same place that I did weeks ago, where it just felt really natural. I had a bit of a script or Dev would sit behind the camera. feeding me dot points to say, touch on this, touch on this. This is great. Do this hook differently. Close off this call to action differently. She's just amazing. She's turned into like my producer director, which I love so much. But anyway, last week we sat down, same place, same lighting, same everything. And I just said to her, I can't do it this way right now. My intuition is saying that I need to chill out, chill back with my approach. I need to even sit differently, sit cross-legged, sit with one knee up towards me, lean my arm up on my knee, chat like I were to chat with Deb or close friends or close clients, and be less formulated, be less formal, be more like you're sitting in a lounge room having a talk to me. And that's another example of what made me feel like this is what's going to produce the best outcome. And the best outcome for me was to get three, four hundred signups for the Feel is Selling event. We're almost there with our good goal, which is so amazing. I honestly really believe that when you're living in the present moment, that's where the magic happens. That's when the intuitive side flows through. That's how you start to embrace all the challenges and the setbacks that you might be experiencing in your journey. I was speaking to another client of mine who said that all she wants to do right now is make money. She's like, Ruby, I really, really need to make money. I need to make so much money right now to prove to my partner, to prove to myself, to prove to my mom who I borrowed money from, to prove to the industry that I can do it. Do you think that is conducive? I mean, truly, if you're coming from a point of view where you desperately want and need to have that money happen and come through for you, and of course, as entrepreneurs, money is the lifeblood of our business. Cash flow is what keeps our business alive, not taking away from that whatsoever. But if you're leading from the energy of, I need to make more money to prove it to all of these people, including myself, does that feel like a full embracing of a growth experience? Or does it feel like chains and lockdown and feeling fearful? I know for my client in particular, I could sense the fear in her eyes. I could hear it in her voice. She was like, I'm so scared that she'd even say it. I'm so scared. I'm not going to make this work for myself. And one of the things that actually one of my old coaches was telling me is for the most part, Why most people don't succeed when they hire a coach or a mentor or a service provider is not because you don't have the skills and you don't have the tools to provide them. For the most part, why a client doesn't succeed, and this is obviously generalizing, there are good coaches and there are definitely some, you know, different coaches, let's put it out there, who don't really know how to read the room properly, but I'm talking to those of you who you know, you're a bloody good coach. Like I know I'm a very, very good guy. I know I'm in the top 1% in the world of coaches. But the reason why you might not see your clients see the results straight away is because there's so much work that they need to do with their inner belief. of shifting their own perception of how anything that they touch, anything that they create is going to turn to gold. And that takes time. You can't just go from, I need money to prove all of this stuff and it's coming from a sense of lack to, you know what, Ruby, I'm always going to believe that the best outcome is going to happen. And even if it's not here now and I can't see it in my bank account, so to speak. I know that in my daily life, I'm aligning myself to the frequency of abundance and success. That's the journey, isn't it? That's the journey of you don't need to be afraid when you know that the outcomes already happened. Again, this is getting extremely esoteric and for those of you who love talking about timelines, literally sit down and have a coffee and a wine talking about alternate timelines and how that works. But I truly believe that there is a different timeline for every single version of me. And therefore, there's a version of me who is absolutely loving life, rolling in the dough, making massive impact in this world, feeding the hungry, making the news in all the best possible ways with 16 books being written. And I'm coaching Tony Robbins. Like there's a version of me that's doing that, you know? And so from that perspective, if the outcome is already the best that it can be and it already exists somewhere in our universe, my only job is to tether to the frequency to thrive beyond my wildest dreams. My job is not to worry about how I thrive in my wildest dreams. So every day I wake up, my job is to get myself in a good feeling place. And I'm not bypassing the things that we need to work on from a healing perspective. Yes, we have days that are more shadowy than others. Yeah, we go through breakups. Yes, we have bad health days. Yes, our kids will put us in shitty moods because, you know, they're having their attitude-y days, for sure. But how we hold ourselves, how we surround ourselves with positivity, However big or small the win is, we celebrate every success along the way. Now this is something that I really want to share at a deeper level inside of Fearless Selling. So we're going to talk about how I run events, but also the mindset behind it. How I find leads. Yeah, we need to know how to get people signing up to these events, but also how to hold yourself In terms of expecting the best outcome, how to structure your free event, but also how to follow your intuitive guidance around what people want out of that free event. You know, even as I'm sitting here and I think about like the event that's literally running, like if you're listening to this live. Join because you'll be ready for day two and you can catch up on day one straight away. But I'm thinking about what assets I put in, what slide decks I give them, what guidance I give them, what you need, what tools you need to run these lives so that you also experience a level of success like I have. in some form. Doesn't have to be exactly like mine. So with all of this being said, I want to offer up an affirmation. It's one of my favorites and it's sitting on my XORL branded goodies. If you don't know, I have an apparel brand. I have hoodies and t-shirts and hats and beautiful things and on the hoodie and on the t-shirts, it's got my favorite affirmation. It says, it's all working out for me. It's actually embroidered into the left side of its sleeve because that's where beautiful feminine flow happens, right? Intuitive flow, letting go of resistance, getting out of our own way. So the next time you feel yourself blocking your own success because you're holding on to the doubts and the fears more than you are holding on to the frequency where you can thrive beyond your wildest dreams, practice letting go of resistance in some way. Maybe you actually need to see it. There's some beautiful practices you can do. Go to the local $2 shop. I know mine does this. Get a helium balloon blown up, a black one, if possible, because it's going to represent your doubts and your fears. And you're just going to let that go. Go somewhere beautiful and let that go. Practice the feeling of it and watching it just go up into the stratosphere. I'm sorry, universe and world, if it's really bad and that's a bad example, then whatever. See it actually happen. Another way to practice letting go, letting go of things that no longer serve you, like a piece of clothing that you used to love and that maybe you don't fit into anymore or that you just have no purpose for it. Let that go, donate it, walk away. You know, the other day I sent three bags of clothes to donations. And as I was putting my bags into the donation bin, there was a lady there and she was going through the bins. I don't know if she was supposed to. I don't think she was. Before it, she didn't work there. She was just a, you know, someone who went to the op shops or the thrift stores. And she saw my bags from a mile away and she said, can I have a look at those before you put it into the donation bin? And I said, go for it, but please put it in because I didn't want it to just be messed out, you know, around it. Some of the donation bins are so messy because I guess people go through it. And just as I was walking away, she said, you have such beautiful things and you're my size. Thank you so much." That was such a confirmation from the universe saying, you know what, you're letting go and it's being repurposed. You're releasing it and it no longer needs to be in your world. So I'm going to show you how to do that. How you can expect the best, how you can release the old, how you can always, always believe that the most abundant outcomes are coming your way and how to do that in the most fearless way. I hope you loved this episode. I loved sharing it. Come on over to Instagram and let me know what your biggest takeaway was. I was saying inside of my mini mind where I'm live multiple times a week in there how I so look forward to Wednesdays and Thursdays because that's when I see all of your messages come through from Ruby, I just listened to the podcast. I just listened to the podcast. And then your takeaways and your screenshots and your shares. Honestly, every single one of your messages just means so, so much to me. So thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart. I will catch you in next week's episode. And in the meantime, try it out, expect the best and just notice how your reality shifts today. Love you so much.