Flow State Business

Media Opportunities - How I Attracted PR for my Business

December 14, 2019 Ruby Lee Episode 113
Flow State Business
Media Opportunities - How I Attracted PR for my Business
Show Notes Transcript

I’ve had my fair share of sexy media and PR opportunities and for this I am forever grateful.

Are you interested in attracting the same for your brand? Keep listening!



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Speaker 1:

Hi, my loves. My name is Ruby Lee entrepreneur, digital nomad, croissant obsessed, free spirit and founder of the earn your hustle movement and this is the earn your hustle podcast. He out, you'll be so motivated to start that business. You've always wanted to grow it unapologetically and go all in earning powerfully with ease and grace. I'm so excited that you're here and listening in and I'm so grateful that you made it so welcome to the own your hustle way of life, full of freedom, a dose of woo and plenty of random tangent laughs along the way. You know, I started my company working nine to five too. As a recruiter. I was working for a ventures based business in the urban cool city of Melbourne, Australia and today I'm traveling the world young family and Toro working with the most amazing humans ready to build a career in life by design strapping my love. You are about to binge on all of the most incredible guests that I bring onto these podcasts and guess what? They started their businesses through purpose and calling mostly while still working a day job. Let me also share this. I called my company on your hustle as a reminder for us daily that we get to love our soul and hustle or in our decisions to grow big, stop playing small, create with joy, take the risk, say yes to adventure and from time to time be okay with those meltdown moments. These episodes are filled with joy and strategy, spirituality and business, tactical tips, big picture concepts and musings and of course some of that Ruby colored energy. So if you're ready, I'm ready. Let's get started. Hey everybody. I am trying out a new segment on the podcast and we're going to be calling it five minute Fridays. I actually picked up this idea from Lewis house. I love school greatness podcast and I also feel some that, gosh, I just want to share with you a really quick tip or something that's really going to help you stay motivated in your hustle and these episodes. I think you're going to find, you know, I'll be a lot more casual. I'm actually just walking around my bedroom. I have my Apple headset plugged into my phone so nothing too crazy here. Once again, just a reminder, you can start a podcast without any particular sexy equipment. You can literally just have your phone and the Apple headphones that plug in old school style because I find sometimes the AirPods aren't as great from an audio quality perspective. But with all of this being said, let's jump into our very first five minute Friday episode. And today I want to talk to you about how I attracted sexy PR for my business. Now I've had a fair share of sexy media and PR opportunities, and for this I am forever grateful. Are you interested in attracting the same for your brand? If so, make sure you keep listening. Now, in the past year and a half, I've had Stella opportunities to have my brand featured in Forbes, entrepreneur magazine, the daily mail, UK, sky news, live scoop, and many other local features along the way. So you know what? Definitely hashtag grateful. And one thing that I will say is a lot of people who meet me for the first time or see my content for the first time will say this. And to some of you you might be like, Oh, that's so rude. But to me I take it as a compliment. And some people have said, I love the fact that you have such a small social media following. How did you get all these features? Well, you know what, if I'm going to be an advocate for someone with a small but mighty social media following, mind you, I have at the moment around 6,000 Instagram followers, they are all real. I haven't bought any, and I'm a gal who's just had a 350 K year in my coaching business. So followers do not equal dollars in your business. It does not equal freedom in your business. It's mainly just vanity metrics, right? So with all of that being said, you know, Forbes, entrepreneur, daily mail, none of them asked me, Oh, how many social media followers do you have? They were genuinely interested in capturing parts of my business story, parts of my entrepreneurial journey. And it's been really, really awesome to have those features go in. Have they actually changed my business? And they have, they given me that big break. I will say in many ways they have, because it's also opened up different doors around brand work, around speaking gigs and definitely for my own personal brand recognition. But the question is how did I get all of my features? Every entrepreneur will have their own pathway to media success. Some will tell you that you have to pitch services. Others will tell you that you need to hire a PR firm. Others will say you need network connections, go back to the network connections that you formed back in college or work your way up to the top and make sure you rub shoulders with all the right people. But my way was very organic. It was all about manifestation and the law of attraction and putting myself out there out of vibe with the right media outlets would find me and my brand. And sure enough, they did. Every single one of them reached out to me organically through LinkedIn as a platform. So the answer for me is linked in and I didn't pitch anybody, I didn't direct message everybody. What I did was I showed up every single day for 100 days and beyond. In fact, I've shown up now with over 850 videos and I have had just such incredible success with LinkedIn. I mean the career I've had because of LinkedIn has been dazzling and it includes how I attracted sexy PR for my business. You know, there isn't any guarantee to this or a magic bullet to having your story published. What I can say is that LinkedIn is a platform gleaming with opportunities for you and your business, especially if you're wanting to attract media opportunities because you have a lot of people in the media, whether it be in Forbes or entrepreneur mag for example, who is seeking out unique stories to share in their articles and in their publication. So below I have attached in the show notes some examples of my press releases. If you want to take a read and have a look, but also let me know if you have any other questions about how I position myself on LinkedIn as an expert or you might want to catch my launched in full LinkedIn workshop below where I will show you as an entrepreneur how to set up your personal brand on there to then also attract all the right opportunities your way, including PR for your business. All right, have an amazing day. I think I've done okay with five minutes so far. Let me know if you like this segment and if you would like to hear more quick tips from me in the future, be sure to tag me on Instagram at underscore Ruby Lee underscore and I will catch you for our next five minute Friday. Bye guys.